Types of Sugar
Raw - Refined - Crystal - Muscovada - Demrara - Caster - Icing -Premium Liquid Sugar
Fine Liquid Sugar - Invert - White Crystal - Refined - Fine Granulated
Raw Materials for Sugar
Sugar Cane -- a large tropical grass - Beet Root, Other items used is Corn
How Sugar is Made
Raw Sugar is made in large factories by crushing the cane sugar (Sachrum officenarum) or beet root (Beta vulgaris) to obtain juice and boiling this juice to remove water and processing the juice so obtained to make unrefined raw sugar. This is sometimes also known as panela. Generally cane sugar is produced by tropical countries and the beet sugar by cold/European.
CHEMICAL FORMULA FOR SUGAR: 12CO 2 + 11H 2O = C 12 H 22 O 11 + 12 O 2
-Refined No 45
-Crystal Sugar No 150
-Raw Brown ICUMSA 750-1000
-Colorax100-150-180 ICUMSA
-ICUMSA 60RBU (for beet sugar)
-White refined crystal.
Most commercial sugar is produced from two main sources: sugar beets and sugarcane. Other minor commercial sources include the date palm, sorghum and the sugar maple.
Currently, 69% of the world's sugar is consumed in its country of origin, while the rest is traded on international markets.
Brazil is the world's largest sugar producer, followed by India (which is the world's largest consumer), the EU and China. In the 2007/08 season, Brazil produced 31.3 million tons, India produced 28.8 million tons, the EU produced 17.57 million tons and China produced 14.6 million tons of sugar.
The 2009/10 season has been particularly troubled by abnormal weather patterns. Brazil has seen much higher levels of rainfall than average, while India suffered its driest June in 83 years.
In the U.S., sugar beets are grown year-round and account for 60% of total sugar production, while sugar canes are grown perennially and account for 40% of US total production. Both production processes yield the same sugar product. Sugar production in the United States generates $10B in economic activity annually, and the sugar/corn sweetener industries generate $21.1B in economic activity.
Sugar is used in food products to sweeten and add texture and color. On average, each American consumes 45 pounds of sugar, 45 pounds of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and 2 pounds of honey/syrup yearly. In total, Americans consume 10,000 tons of sugar every year. Sugar end products are raw cane sugar, wholesale and retail refined sugar, cereal, candy, baed goods, and ethanol.
From 1994 to 2004, sugar prices dropped significantly as a result of increasing supply. While supply depleted from 2004 to 2006, it has resurged since then, which is reflected in the general drop in prices. Within the past year, however, concerns regarding high fuel prices (see below) have pushed prices higher.
The US is the second largest net sugar importer. Other key players in the world sugar market are the European Union (EU), Brazil and India. The EU, like the US, has implemented policies that artificially inflate sugar prices. Brazil, on the other hand, heavily subsidizes its sugar farmers to support its sugar-ethanol program.[
Between January 2009 and August 2009, the price of sugar nearly doubled due to poor harvests in India and Brazil. Indian yields were threatened as key sugar growing regions were threatened by dry spells, causing India to become a net sugar importer for the second time in history. Combined with the inability of Brazilian sugar mills to secure financing to expand operations, a particularly wet season in Brazil slowed harvests and reduced outputs. USDA officials have stated that production of sugar beet and cane in the US will negate the drop in foreign supply; however, food manufacturers remain fearful that sugar will remain at elevated levels.
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